Due to popular demand, we have brought back our next themed triva at Cause - "Return of the 90's". All questions, as well as the sound and image rounds, are all related to the black hole of a decade we would rather forget, but can't.
DJ Martine has a 90's only playlist, and Noah and Joe have been feverishly watching 90s comedies all week to prepare - "Dumb and Dumber" still holds up surprisingly well. We've also gone back and watched every clip of Pauly Shore from his MTV days. Buuuuudy.
IMAGE ROUND - Villains from 90's movies.
SOUND ROUND - 90's. That's it. No specific theme. HOWEVER, we are doing 10 songs this time instead of the usual 5. Also, we will only be playing each sound clip once instead of twice, but the clip will last for 15 seconds. Could be challenging, could be great. Nothing too obscure here.
8PM as always, free as always, always as always.
I'm so sorry i dumped the beans on the Silverchair question! Love the trivia, i'll be back if i'm allowed!