hints for 5/10/10 trivia
After a busy week involving Jury duty for Joe and lord-knows-what for Noah, we're finally ready to blast trivia into your faces.
shit to watch out for: Stoli Vodka, Happy Day's spin-off shows, Victoria's Secret
image round: famous drummers
sound round: 89.3 the current's favorite songs
REMEMBER: No teams larger than 6 people (7 if you ask very very nicely is OK, we suppose), AND no use of cell phones/computers/iphones etc.
UPDATE 5/9 @ 11:AM - Also a note, there is a very real possibility that starting next week, 5/17, we will be video taping a few of our trivias in a row. We are doing this because J&N Trivia intends to put together a couple of these web videos the kids are talking about, in the form of advertisements and short-form infomercials.
What does this mean for you? Hopefully, not much - the cameras presumably will be directed only at the stage, so Joe & Noah will be the focus of the attention. However, we may also get "testimonials" from trivia goers about why they come to trivia, how much fun it is, who probably has the bigger package - Joe or Noah... things like that.
I will update as necessary on this topic, but expect video cameras to be making their appearance in the next week or two!!