Our June 4th Monday night trivia brings the newest installment in our "themed trivia series", and based on the votes from last week's trivia, the theme will be "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?".
Our whole trivia will be based around questions from early on in your education. Obviously they won't be super hard, but you will have to use your noodle to remember stuff that you probably SHOULD have learned - but lets face it, we were all too busy making paper footballs or doodling on trapper keepers.
Could be fun? Yes. It should be.
IMAGE ROUND: Fictional School Teachers.
SOUND ROUND: "Songs About School". Coming up with a sound round theme for this topic was nearly impossible, so instead of being 5th grade specific, we just decided to give up and go with a general theme. Because nothing says quality like "clearly this is the best we could do".
8PM, and free as fuck. Tell your friends! Force them to come! Sometimes being a true friend involves emotional manipulation, such as "if you don't come to trivia with me, that makes you a bad person". Which is totally true, by the way.