Oh yah, you fuckin' betcha.
On the first Monday of every month in 2012, our plan is to do a "themed" trivia. March is the time for Minnesota to get some recognition. All questions, as well as the image/sound round will be devoted to this state that we currently find ourselves. Could be great? Yeah. Could be great.
IMAGE ROUND - Locate Uptown businesses on the map! We tell you the locations, you mark them on the handy street map we provide. Fun fun fun.
SOUND ROUND - People who represented Minnesota or are from here. Aka Athletes, Politicians, Media people, etc.
DJ Tim will seriously destroy you with awesome music. If you are yet to sample what DJ Tim cooks up for us, then you simply haven't lived.

ALSO: kinda big news for us. ThriftyHipster.com, your local source to find great, cost-conscious events in the Twin Cities area, will be sponsoring our monthly themed trivia nights! On Monady, they will have a photographer there taking pictures to post on their website - so make sure you look like we're not actually boring the shit out of you. Also, they'll have stickers and other goodies available for you to grab. Thanks to Ally and the TH crew for their support.
Come on out for some fun! Get there early to get a table!
8PM as always, free as always, always as always.