Sports Page! Bloomington! 7PM! FREE!!!
IMAGE ROUND: Movie Robots. We show you the robots, you name the film (or film series) they were in. Fun!
SOUND ROUND: Song titles that ask a question. Straightforward. Fun!
Joe & Noah host with Mike Manosack. Bring the whole crew on out - check out the recent renovations to the Sports Page, drink some beer, and order some food.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Back to the Sports Page - Wednesdays, starting July 25th!
We're back, baby!
Joe & Noah initially started doing Wednesday Night Trivia at the Sports Page in Bloomington, MN in 2011. Joe took an indefinite hiatus, and Mike Manosack took his spot, forming "Nerdy Fellas" trivia with Noah.
Recently, trivia was on hiatus as the Sports Page underwent some awesome renovations, including turning the party room (where we host trivia) into a badass open-concept bar area. Holy shit, its nice.
Now that the Page is 100% back open, trivia returns - and this trivia will be a joint hosting effort between Mike, Noah, and Joe - a merging of trivia titans, if you will.
You should come on out and join us as we pick up where we left off - special shout out to Dave Cartwright for leading an awesome renovation, and Mike Manosack for letting us join in on an awesome night of free fun.
We're back! Wednesday! 7PM! Be there! Bring your friends! Beer! Food! Trivia!
Joe & Noah initially started doing Wednesday Night Trivia at the Sports Page in Bloomington, MN in 2011. Joe took an indefinite hiatus, and Mike Manosack took his spot, forming "Nerdy Fellas" trivia with Noah.
Recently, trivia was on hiatus as the Sports Page underwent some awesome renovations, including turning the party room (where we host trivia) into a badass open-concept bar area. Holy shit, its nice.
Now that the Page is 100% back open, trivia returns - and this trivia will be a joint hosting effort between Mike, Noah, and Joe - a merging of trivia titans, if you will.
OUR FIRST TRIVIA BACK WILL BE WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th!!! 7PM start time, as usual. Free, as usual.
You should come on out and join us as we pick up where we left off - special shout out to Dave Cartwright for leading an awesome renovation, and Mike Manosack for letting us join in on an awesome night of free fun.
We're back! Wednesday! 7PM! Be there! Bring your friends! Beer! Food! Trivia!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
July 13/20 - Joe and Noah Guest Host...
On Friday, July 13, Joe will guest host alongside Sean Hogan for "Laura and Sean's Movie and Music Trivia" at the 331 Club in Northeast Minneapolis. This trivia is brought to you by Trivia Mafia. Starts at 7PM, and is FREE FREE FREE.... also, 21+.
Then on Friday, July 20, it is Noah's turn, as he will be filling in the same way, with the same start time and everything.
Come on out and try a new trivia venue and hang out with us!
UPDATE (7/13/12): Check out the Trivia Mafia website for the INTERNET ONLY QUESTION!
Then on Friday, July 20, it is Noah's turn, as he will be filling in the same way, with the same start time and everything.
Come on out and try a new trivia venue and hang out with us!
UPDATE (7/13/12): Check out the Trivia Mafia website for the INTERNET ONLY QUESTION!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
What Now?
So.... we're done with Cause trivia now.
Free agents, as it were.
We've had a bunch of people asking what our future plans are. Here is what we know for sure:
- We're taking some time off on Mondays. Could be a month, or three, or a bit longer. But we have a few options we are considering in the near future. But both Noah and I agree that we're in desperate need of a Monday vacation.
- Pay attention to a different day of the week too. Could have an announcement for that sometime soon. Hate being cryptic, but I can't comment on anything until details are worked out. Also, I got worms.
- You should still stay connected to our Facebook and Twitter accounts! We will update these resources with news, so don't unfollow just yet.
- Finally, stay in touch with us. Feel free to e-mail us or tweet us or whatever it is you kids do these days. Our DJs (Tim, Martine, Knol) are around too, doing their awesome stuff - follow them if you get the opportunity.
Take care, ladies and gents. Talk to you soon.
- Joe (& Noah)
Free agents, as it were.
We've had a bunch of people asking what our future plans are. Here is what we know for sure:
- We're taking some time off on Mondays. Could be a month, or three, or a bit longer. But we have a few options we are considering in the near future. But both Noah and I agree that we're in desperate need of a Monday vacation.
- Pay attention to a different day of the week too. Could have an announcement for that sometime soon. Hate being cryptic, but I can't comment on anything until details are worked out. Also, I got worms.
- You should still stay connected to our Facebook and Twitter accounts! We will update these resources with news, so don't unfollow just yet.
- Finally, stay in touch with us. Feel free to e-mail us or tweet us or whatever it is you kids do these days. Our DJs (Tim, Martine, Knol) are around too, doing their awesome stuff - follow them if you get the opportunity.
Take care, ladies and gents. Talk to you soon.
- Joe (& Noah)
Thursday, June 7, 2012
The Finish Line
IMAGE and SOUND ROUNDS will be a mystery for the last 2 weeks! Gotta come on down to find out what they are!
JUNE 11th - DJ Knol Tate on stage!
JUNE 18th - DJ Knol, DJ Tim and DJ Martine all on stage! Special guests, prizes, treats, and more! Its the last J&N Trivia at Cause - make sure you come on out to say goodbye!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The Finals Days of J&N Trivia at Cause...
Monday, June 18th will be our last Joe & Noah Trivia at Cause.
Noah and I have had an absolute blast hosting trivia at Cause for the past 2 1/2 years. But as with most things, there is an ending - and the end has arrived. Through this time, we've been privileged to work with some of the greatest staff you could imagine, and had the opportunity to provide entertainment for some of the coolest people we have ever met.
When we started, we honestly had no idea what to expect. We didn't even know if we would last longer than a month or two. But from the get-go, people showed up and supported us, made us better, and put up with our lame attempts at "jokes" and "witty banter". Through that, we saw opposing trivia teams interact with each other and form new friendships and relationships - which is really the point of a social gathering like this. Our hope was to entertain and bring people together, and we feel like we accomplished that.
June 11th, we will do our business-as-usual trivia, with DJ Knol on duty.
June 18th, we will rock that motherfucker with our last trivia at Cause. We are still working on details, but expect gift bags, treats, special guests, and tons of other prizes as we rehash 2 1/2 years of trivia in 2 hours. All 3 DJs will hopefully be on stage with us in what we are hoping is the sexiest-stage show of all time - and yes, we're counting Joe's all-nude production of "Guys and Dolls" that he did in 2004. The police investigation is still ongoing.
For now, thanks are in order.
First of all, we are forever grateful for our awesome DJ trio, Knol Tate, Tim Anderson, and Martine Lizama. Every week, they each came prepared with an eclectic playlist of music and entertained people more than we did, and they did it without a microphone. They didn't get a chance to speak much, so these next few weeks make sure you get a chance to talk to them and say thanks. These are some of the coolest, funniest people you are ever going to meet, and are honestly the backbone of what we do. Thanks dudes and dudette - let's go get chocolate wasted, and soon.
Also, thank you to the few people that have subbed in for us when one of us couldn't host - Scott Johnson and Michael Manosack. It was always hard coming back the next week and hearing about how you two were so much funnier than us. We still don't know if you paid people to say that, but it was pretty convincing. Thanks for bailing us out.
Next, we have to give it up for the awesome Cause service staff. The waiters, waitresses, cooks and bartenders all made our lives infinitely easier, all while putting up with our shit - which is no easy feat. When you go out for a social evening on the town, you hope to find a place with workers that have a great personality and are professional. These people have that and so much more in spades. Cannot say enough good things about the service staff there - thank you for making our Mondays better. We owe you. Make sure you stop by Cause whenever you can and show them some love - they'll keep serving up awesome food in the sweet Lake & Lyndale location for years to come.
Thanks so much to Cause's owner Mike Riehle. J&N Trivia and Cause (Sauce!) both started out together and grew up alongside each other. Mike was more than giving with his time and resources to help us succeed, especially in the early going at a point when no one could blame him if he was more focused on the venue and menu. He gave us the opportunity to do our thing and entertain, innovate, and have fun. Dave Cartwright, the first manager we had the privilege of working with at Cause, helped lead us along and build up our audience. We're still friends to this day, and we can honestly say that he is the coolest "boss" we have ever worked for.
Finally, and obviously most importantly - thank YOU. When we started out in November of 2009, trivia was still a relatively new trend in the area. We were lucky to get in on the ground floor, at a time when it was really just us, the fantastic Trivia Mafia, and a few other places doing what we do. But with anything like this, success only happens when people show up and are committed - and right from the get-go, you were there. In the past few years, when the local trivia market became almost hilariously saturated, you stuck by us. Through everything, we found we had an awesome mix of new faces and reliable regulars every Monday night ready to be engaged, give feedback, and have fun. All of our success and longevity is a testament to you being there for us. We will never be able to repay you (figuratively and literally - we're broke Minneapolis dudes), but we sure would like you to know that it was fun getting to hang out with you.
Noah and I will host our final two trivia nights, then take a much-needed break for a few months. We've written over 2,700 questions and 130+ sound/image rounds over the past 2 1/2 years. There is only so many "Twin Peaks", "What About Bob?", Minnesota Wild and "Arrested Development" questions we can think of. We're only human, people!
Sometime this fall we will regroup and consider our next move. We love hosting trivia. We would like to keep it going at a different location, and we already have a few options in mind. We've been fortunate that other businesses in the area have expressed interest in J&N trivia, so we definitely have options. But for now, we would like to close this chapter in our lives with a bang.
If you can, please come out these next (last) 2 weeks. We would love to see you. We also mean this whole heartedly - and not in that "OMG WE'LL BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!" post-high school kind of way, where you swear you'll hang out that summer but never see each other again - but please please please... don't be strangers. We'll keep our twitter and Facebook accounts open, and we're always very easy to access. Minneapolis is our home, and we're always roaming the area. Don't be afraid to say hi.
Thanks for being there.
Thanks for everything.
- Joe & Noah
Twitter: joenoahtrivia
Noah and I have had an absolute blast hosting trivia at Cause for the past 2 1/2 years. But as with most things, there is an ending - and the end has arrived. Through this time, we've been privileged to work with some of the greatest staff you could imagine, and had the opportunity to provide entertainment for some of the coolest people we have ever met.
When we started, we honestly had no idea what to expect. We didn't even know if we would last longer than a month or two. But from the get-go, people showed up and supported us, made us better, and put up with our lame attempts at "jokes" and "witty banter". Through that, we saw opposing trivia teams interact with each other and form new friendships and relationships - which is really the point of a social gathering like this. Our hope was to entertain and bring people together, and we feel like we accomplished that.
June 11th, we will do our business-as-usual trivia, with DJ Knol on duty.
June 18th, we will rock that motherfucker with our last trivia at Cause. We are still working on details, but expect gift bags, treats, special guests, and tons of other prizes as we rehash 2 1/2 years of trivia in 2 hours. All 3 DJs will hopefully be on stage with us in what we are hoping is the sexiest-stage show of all time - and yes, we're counting Joe's all-nude production of "Guys and Dolls" that he did in 2004. The police investigation is still ongoing.
For now, thanks are in order.
First of all, we are forever grateful for our awesome DJ trio, Knol Tate, Tim Anderson, and Martine Lizama. Every week, they each came prepared with an eclectic playlist of music and entertained people more than we did, and they did it without a microphone. They didn't get a chance to speak much, so these next few weeks make sure you get a chance to talk to them and say thanks. These are some of the coolest, funniest people you are ever going to meet, and are honestly the backbone of what we do. Thanks dudes and dudette - let's go get chocolate wasted, and soon.
Also, thank you to the few people that have subbed in for us when one of us couldn't host - Scott Johnson and Michael Manosack. It was always hard coming back the next week and hearing about how you two were so much funnier than us. We still don't know if you paid people to say that, but it was pretty convincing. Thanks for bailing us out.
Next, we have to give it up for the awesome Cause service staff. The waiters, waitresses, cooks and bartenders all made our lives infinitely easier, all while putting up with our shit - which is no easy feat. When you go out for a social evening on the town, you hope to find a place with workers that have a great personality and are professional. These people have that and so much more in spades. Cannot say enough good things about the service staff there - thank you for making our Mondays better. We owe you. Make sure you stop by Cause whenever you can and show them some love - they'll keep serving up awesome food in the sweet Lake & Lyndale location for years to come.
Thanks so much to Cause's owner Mike Riehle. J&N Trivia and Cause (Sauce!) both started out together and grew up alongside each other. Mike was more than giving with his time and resources to help us succeed, especially in the early going at a point when no one could blame him if he was more focused on the venue and menu. He gave us the opportunity to do our thing and entertain, innovate, and have fun. Dave Cartwright, the first manager we had the privilege of working with at Cause, helped lead us along and build up our audience. We're still friends to this day, and we can honestly say that he is the coolest "boss" we have ever worked for.
Finally, and obviously most importantly - thank YOU. When we started out in November of 2009, trivia was still a relatively new trend in the area. We were lucky to get in on the ground floor, at a time when it was really just us, the fantastic Trivia Mafia, and a few other places doing what we do. But with anything like this, success only happens when people show up and are committed - and right from the get-go, you were there. In the past few years, when the local trivia market became almost hilariously saturated, you stuck by us. Through everything, we found we had an awesome mix of new faces and reliable regulars every Monday night ready to be engaged, give feedback, and have fun. All of our success and longevity is a testament to you being there for us. We will never be able to repay you (figuratively and literally - we're broke Minneapolis dudes), but we sure would like you to know that it was fun getting to hang out with you.
Noah and I will host our final two trivia nights, then take a much-needed break for a few months. We've written over 2,700 questions and 130+ sound/image rounds over the past 2 1/2 years. There is only so many "Twin Peaks", "What About Bob?", Minnesota Wild and "Arrested Development" questions we can think of. We're only human, people!
Sometime this fall we will regroup and consider our next move. We love hosting trivia. We would like to keep it going at a different location, and we already have a few options in mind. We've been fortunate that other businesses in the area have expressed interest in J&N trivia, so we definitely have options. But for now, we would like to close this chapter in our lives with a bang.
If you can, please come out these next (last) 2 weeks. We would love to see you. We also mean this whole heartedly - and not in that "OMG WE'LL BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!" post-high school kind of way, where you swear you'll hang out that summer but never see each other again - but please please please... don't be strangers. We'll keep our twitter and Facebook accounts open, and we're always very easy to access. Minneapolis is our home, and we're always roaming the area. Don't be afraid to say hi.
Thanks for being there.
Thanks for everything.
- Joe & Noah
Twitter: joenoahtrivia
Thursday, May 31, 2012
6/4 THEMED TRIVIA: "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?"
Well, are you?
Our June 4th Monday night trivia brings the newest installment in our "themed trivia series", and based on the votes from last week's trivia, the theme will be "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?".
Our whole trivia will be based around questions from early on in your education. Obviously they won't be super hard, but you will have to use your noodle to remember stuff that you probably SHOULD have learned - but lets face it, we were all too busy making paper footballs or doodling on trapper keepers.
Could be fun? Yes. It should be.
8PM, and free as fuck. Tell your friends! Force them to come! Sometimes being a true friend involves emotional manipulation, such as "if you don't come to trivia with me, that makes you a bad person". Which is totally true, by the way.
Our June 4th Monday night trivia brings the newest installment in our "themed trivia series", and based on the votes from last week's trivia, the theme will be "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?".
Our whole trivia will be based around questions from early on in your education. Obviously they won't be super hard, but you will have to use your noodle to remember stuff that you probably SHOULD have learned - but lets face it, we were all too busy making paper footballs or doodling on trapper keepers.
Could be fun? Yes. It should be.
IMAGE ROUND: Fictional School Teachers.
SOUND ROUND: "Songs About School". Coming up with a sound round theme for this topic was nearly impossible, so instead of being 5th grade specific, we just decided to give up and go with a general theme. Because nothing says quality like "clearly this is the best we could do".
8PM, and free as fuck. Tell your friends! Force them to come! Sometimes being a true friend involves emotional manipulation, such as "if you don't come to trivia with me, that makes you a bad person". Which is totally true, by the way.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
5/28 Memorial Day Trivia: 'Merica!
5/28 marks Memorial Day in the United States. Tons of places will be closed to mark the occasion - but J&N Trivia will be celebrating in style at Cause Soundbar.
DJ Tim returns from exile! Awesome! He has many stories to regale us with - come sit and learn with us. As always we assume he will come armed with a sexy playlist.
IMAGE ROUND: Presidential Portraits.
8PM, Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Did we mention ?
Also, we'll have ballots out so you guys/gals can print out your choice for the next Monday's themed trivia, which is the first Monday in June.
5/28 marks Memorial Day in the United States. Tons of places will be closed to mark the occasion - but J&N Trivia will be celebrating in style at Cause Soundbar.
DJ Tim returns from exile! Awesome! He has many stories to regale us with - come sit and learn with us. As always we assume he will come armed with a sexy playlist.
IMAGE ROUND: Presidential Portraits.
8PM, Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Did we mention ?
Also, we'll have ballots out so you guys/gals can print out your choice for the next Monday's themed trivia, which is the first Monday in June.
Friday, May 18, 2012
5/21 Cause Trivia HINTS
We've got our trivia planned for Monday! You should really, really, come on out. Excellent lineup of questions, excellent DJ (Mr. Knol Tate), excellent hosts.
Lots of people enjoying the excellent weather lately - what better way to finish off a long Monday than to come on out and win prizes?
IMAGE ROUND - Summer Blockbusters
SOUND ROUND - Commercial Jingles (10 of 'em!)
Lots of people enjoying the excellent weather lately - what better way to finish off a long Monday than to come on out and win prizes?
IMAGE ROUND - Summer Blockbusters
SOUND ROUND - Commercial Jingles (10 of 'em!)
Monday, May 14, 2012
5/14 HINTS: Joe & Noah's Excellent Adventure
That dolphin brought his game, apparently. If that game is being a douchebag.
IMAGE ROUND: Famous Mark's/Marc's! Its Mark Zuckerberg's birthday - what better way to celebrate than to think of people with his same first name...? Okay, admittedly a stretch there.
SOUND ROUND: TV Show Production Company Sound Bites: Just think of production company logos/sounds at the end of TV shows.
8PM, FREE (!), and DJ Martine makes another appearance. Holy shitballs!
IMAGE ROUND: Famous Mark's/Marc's! Its Mark Zuckerberg's birthday - what better way to celebrate than to think of people with his same first name...? Okay, admittedly a stretch there.
SOUND ROUND: TV Show Production Company Sound Bites: Just think of production company logos/sounds at the end of TV shows.
8PM, FREE (!), and DJ Martine makes another appearance. Holy shitballs!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
5/7 Themed Trivia : SEX (Yes... it will be rated R)
This upcoming Monday (5/7) is our next themed trivia night. As selected by our trivia goers from last week, the theme IS..... SEX. All of our questions, as well as the sound/image rounds, will be loosely related to Bang City.
We want to be pretty clear on this - it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a themed trivia related to the Hump Hotel without being a little vulgar or graphic at times. So let this be a heads up to everyone who is planning on going....
We are bringing our potty mouths. If the words "penis", "vagina", or "analingus" offend or bother you, you probably shouldn't show up. It doesn't make you a bad person or a weirdo if you are uncomfortable about sex stuff - that's totally fine. But when we start asking questions on Monday, and if you complain about being offended... well, we literally have no sympathy for you.
For the rest of you that wanna have a good time, we plan on bringing it. DJ Martine joins us on stage, and we have requested that she play "songs to get down to". So be prepared for a lot of Weird Al Yankovic.
Some good questions have been written - there is nothing absolutely shocking or horrifying. But if we don't drop at least 100 F-bombs by the end of the night, then we have clearly failed you.
8PM, FREE, and we always advise (especially for themed trivia nights) that you show up early to ensure a table.
On a final note, we couldn't find a way to sneak this into the trivia somehow, so we present the funniest sex scene of all time - from the 2010 film "MacGruber". Thank you, Will Forte, for all that you do.
We want to be pretty clear on this - it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a themed trivia related to the Hump Hotel without being a little vulgar or graphic at times. So let this be a heads up to everyone who is planning on going....
We are bringing our potty mouths. If the words "penis", "vagina", or "analingus" offend or bother you, you probably shouldn't show up. It doesn't make you a bad person or a weirdo if you are uncomfortable about sex stuff - that's totally fine. But when we start asking questions on Monday, and if you complain about being offended... well, we literally have no sympathy for you.
For the rest of you that wanna have a good time, we plan on bringing it. DJ Martine joins us on stage, and we have requested that she play "songs to get down to". So be prepared for a lot of Weird Al Yankovic.
Some good questions have been written - there is nothing absolutely shocking or horrifying. But if we don't drop at least 100 F-bombs by the end of the night, then we have clearly failed you.
SOUND ROUND - Rap/R&B Songs about sexy stuff. Super excited for this one.
IMAGE ROUND - Movie Love Scenes.
8PM, FREE, and we always advise (especially for themed trivia nights) that you show up early to ensure a table.
On a final note, we couldn't find a way to sneak this into the trivia somehow, so we present the funniest sex scene of all time - from the 2010 film "MacGruber". Thank you, Will Forte, for all that you do.
Monday, April 30, 2012
April 30th Hints
Some say "It's good to be back". I agree.
Joe's image round is "Draw Something" kind of like pictionary theme
My (Noah) sound round is popular songs but only the first 5 seconds played. Gotta get the correct artist and song title.
Trivia at 8pm. We'll be taking votes for our theme next week!
Joe's image round is "Draw Something" kind of like pictionary theme
My (Noah) sound round is popular songs but only the first 5 seconds played. Gotta get the correct artist and song title.
Trivia at 8pm. We'll be taking votes for our theme next week!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
April 23, 2012 - Your Cause Monday Trivia Hints and Information
In the immortal words of Sinbad... "We gotsta PAAAA....TAYYYYY".
Anyways, we're back with Monday night triv at Cause, and we promise to give you, at the very least, a noble effort.
Noah will not be in attendance, as he will be busy with his door-to-door candy bar sales effort to raise awareness for "Graft vs. Host" disease. So Joe will be hosting with none other than our good pal, Mr. Scotty BJ. He has hosted several times in the past, and by all accounts is as funny as he is charming as he is delicious. Having said that - and I cannot stress this enough - please to not try to cook and eat him.
IMAGE ROUND - Movie Sidekicks. Get your popcorn ready.
SOUND ROUND - 4 Word Band Names. So straightforward it hurts.
DJ Martine will shock and awe your rear ends with her music selection. Rumor has it she may play some Rockwell.
8PM as always, free as always, always as always.
PS - I will not let this meme die.
Anyways, we're back with Monday night triv at Cause, and we promise to give you, at the very least, a noble effort.
Noah will not be in attendance, as he will be busy with his door-to-door candy bar sales effort to raise awareness for "Graft vs. Host" disease. So Joe will be hosting with none other than our good pal, Mr. Scotty BJ. He has hosted several times in the past, and by all accounts is as funny as he is charming as he is delicious. Having said that - and I cannot stress this enough - please to not try to cook and eat him.
IMAGE ROUND - Movie Sidekicks. Get your popcorn ready.
SOUND ROUND - 4 Word Band Names. So straightforward it hurts.
DJ Martine will shock and awe your rear ends with her music selection. Rumor has it she may play some Rockwell.
8PM as always, free as always, always as always.
PS - I will not let this meme die.
Monday, April 16, 2012
4/16 hints!
So I guess it's snowing outside and yet we had a Tornado Watch last night? Welcome to Minnesota.
Tonight is regular ol' trivia but we'd love to take submissions for our May theme. We've had minimal input for May and would love for some more!
Image Round - Celeb Mug Shots
Sound Round - Colors
Congrats to the team name I can't remember right now. (Sorry Ben, sorry Marina) It might hit me later but hopefully y'all will come and defend your title. 39 freaking points last week. 1 shy of a perfect score.
8pm as always. free to play. cost money to drink. free to win shit
Sunday, April 8, 2012
4/9 Trivia HINTZZZZZ

Cause trivia is getting all ready for our 4/9 adventure. You should join us. Could be fun. Could be.
DJ Knol is on the clock, and my understanding is that he is going to fuck up the music scene that night. Always excited for a little Knol in our ears.
SOUND ROUND - "Fictional Bands". Looking for the name of the band/artist you are hearing, as well as the movie/tv show that they are from. Nothing obscure.
IMAGE ROUND - TV/RADIO talk show guys/gals
And as always, we're taking suggestions for our future "themed trivias" - got an interesting theme idea? E-mail us at, or twitter us @joenoahtrivia with your suggestions - we will probably be avoiding entertainment themes for next month - just an FYI.
8PM as always, free as always, always as always.
See you Monday!
Big congrats to Hakuna Fritata for winning the "Food/Drink" Themed trivia.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
4/2 - "Food and Drink" THEME!

April 2nd is our first trivia of a brand new month - you know the drill at this point.
Our next themed trivia IS.... "food and drink".
Every question, as well as the sound round and image round, will at least be loosely related to things we consume. Pretty excited for this one.
IMAGE ROUND - "Bands with foods/beverages in their name." So straightforward it hurts.
SOUND ROUND - "Food movie scenes"
DJ Martine returns! She's awesome, and so his her music selection. We start at 8PM, and as always our trivia is FREE. Tell your friends! Bring a group and form a team!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
3/26 Hints: Last Trivia of S'March
DJ Tim returns! Martine is on deck for next week after taking a few Mondays off.
IMAGE ROUND - "Top of the Pops". Hot artists of the moment.
SOUND ROUND - "Band Names with Repeating Words". Example: Mighty Mighty Bosstones. The Go-Gos. Even LL Cool J is fair game, as the L is repeated.
8PM as always, free as always, always as always.
- Joe
Monday, March 19, 2012
3/19 - Your Trivia Hints

Tonight, Cause trivia returns to fuck your shit right up. Should be a grand time.
DJ Knol has promised to bring the ruckus. We asked him to describe this ruckus. He told us to shut our yaps.
IMAGE ROUND - Skeleton! We have a diagram, you tell us the bones we have highlighted. Fun!
SOUND ROUND - Warm Weather Songs.
8PM as always, free as always, always as always.
Also big congrats to Pabst Blue Robot for winning 2 weeks in a row. Sorry we're always behind on the photo shit. We love y'all.
Monday, March 12, 2012
quick hints for 3/12
Heyo. Sorry for the late post.
Sound Round - Songz kidz can jam out to.
Image Round - Lesser known muppets/who don't get enough love.
Mike Manosack fills in for Joe!
quiz at 8
Sound Round - Songz kidz can jam out to.
Image Round - Lesser known muppets/who don't get enough love.
Mike Manosack fills in for Joe!
quiz at 8
Friday, March 2, 2012
3/5 Themed Trivia: "MINNESOTA"

On the first Monday of every month in 2012, our plan is to do a "themed" trivia. March is the time for Minnesota to get some recognition. All questions, as well as the image/sound round will be devoted to this state that we currently find ourselves. Could be great? Yeah. Could be great.
IMAGE ROUND - Locate Uptown businesses on the map! We tell you the locations, you mark them on the handy street map we provide. Fun fun fun.
SOUND ROUND - People who represented Minnesota or are from here. Aka Athletes, Politicians, Media people, etc.
DJ Tim will seriously destroy you with awesome music. If you are yet to sample what DJ Tim cooks up for us, then you simply haven't lived.

ALSO: kinda big news for us., your local source to find great, cost-conscious events in the Twin Cities area, will be sponsoring our monthly themed trivia nights! On Monady, they will have a photographer there taking pictures to post on their website - so make sure you look like we're not actually boring the shit out of you. Also, they'll have stickers and other goodies available for you to grab. Thanks to Ally and the TH crew for their support.
Come on out for some fun! Get there early to get a table!
8PM as always, free as always, always as always.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Winner Pics
Monday, February 27, 2012
2/27 Cause Trivia HINTS

Joe returns tonight from his one-week "wrasslin'" absence. Presumably he is ready to powerbomb Noah through the stage. Or maybe just cut a wicked promo.
SOUND ROUND: "Songs with a backing choir" - Exactly what it sounds like.
IMAGE ROUND: "Terrible bands" - Also, exactly what it sounds like.
DJ Knol returns to do jello shots all night long. 8PM, Free - and hey, apparently Mother Earth is going to shit snow all over us on Tuesday/Wednesday. This might be your last chance to get a beverage that wasn't preceded by a terrifying car-sleigh ride through a winter wonderland. You should come out to Cause and hang out with us! We promise we'll bring our B+ game.
Also, we'll reveal next week's themed trivia. Suspense!
Monday, February 20, 2012
2/20 Fun Time A+ Trivia Explosion (featuring Scott!)
Image round : Actors/Actresses with a common theme... What do they have in common?
Sound Round: 90's Brit Pop/Rock. It's got Noah written all over it. He's excited, and you should be too!
DJ Martine hangs out on stage. Scott Johnson subs for Joe and takes over hosting duties. Joe will be watching wrestling and leaving drunken messages for your hosts throughout the night. High comedy!
8pm, free. Don't let a little snow scare you off.
Sound Round: 90's Brit Pop/Rock. It's got Noah written all over it. He's excited, and you should be too!
DJ Martine hangs out on stage. Scott Johnson subs for Joe and takes over hosting duties. Joe will be watching wrestling and leaving drunken messages for your hosts throughout the night. High comedy!
8pm, free. Don't let a little snow scare you off.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
2/13 Pre-Valentine's Trivia Hints
Image round = Tribute to African-American History Month
Sound round = "Sax Education". Songs featuring saxophone. (Changed from "Marriage and Divorce".)
DJ Tim hangs out with us. Come get your love on. 8pm, free as fuck.
Being your ideas for our next theme trivia! If we like your idea, we will buy you a drink. (or email us at - please remember to use your name so we know who you are!)
Sound round = "Sax Education". Songs featuring saxophone. (Changed from "Marriage and Divorce".)
DJ Tim hangs out with us. Come get your love on. 8pm, free as fuck.
Being your ideas for our next theme trivia! If we like your idea, we will buy you a drink. (or email us at - please remember to use your name so we know who you are!)
Sunday, February 5, 2012

IMAGE ROUND - Side characters. 16 of them, instead of 8. Also, the image round will be due at the end of round 1. Bring your A game.
SOUND ROUND - Finish the quote. Holy shit, there are some gems in there.
DJ Knol hangs out with us. 8PM. We're professionals twice over - the worlds' first Analyst and Therapist.
Yeah, we saw the business cards.
PS - Word on the street is that we may have Banana Chocolate Cupcakes, courtesy of trivia-goer Melissa R. We will throw a prostatetacular in her honor. Thanks Melissa!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Wednesday (2/1) - Sports Page "Nerdy Fellas" ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TRIVIA

Wednesday, 7PM at the Sports Page in Bloomington, MN. Its the "Nerdy Fellas" One Year Trivia Anniversary!
Noah Paster and Joe started this baby up in February of 2011, and our pal Michael Manosack took over hosting duties with Noah - and they formed a new trivia group that is just fantastic.
So at 7PM, Joe returns for a one night only hosting session with Mike and Noah - we'll have awesome prizes and, I can only assume, laughter.
Also, the sound round for tomorrow is "Karaoke Versions of Popular Songs". So there is a VERY real chance you'll hear Joe, Noah, and Mike sing (albeit pre-recorded, but that STILL counts). And who wouldn't want to hear that that??
Check out the Nerdy Fellas website for more info. See you at 7!
Monday, January 30, 2012
1/30 HINTS and 2/6 Trivia Info...

Trivia tonight w/ DJ Martine. Lollercopters. Should be a great time.
IMG RD - "Best Picture" Winners at the Oscars. Screenshot time. Do it.
SD RD - "Glam Rock" bands. Hair bands. Whatever you want to call them. Could be the stuff of legend.
8PM as always, free as always, always as always.

Yeah. That's happening.
p.s. congrats to Ernest Films and Kitty Porn for being the new champ! Welcome back boys
Monday, January 23, 2012
1/23 Monday Trivia
we're back with regular ass trivia. no need to worry about das simpsons anymore.
DJ Martine is back and is ready to DJ the hell out of some music
images - as seen on TV products
sound round - "Cult Following" bands/artists.
8pm start
note: cause does not serve burritos the size of your head.
DJ Martine is back and is ready to DJ the hell out of some music
images - as seen on TV products
sound round - "Cult Following" bands/artists.
8pm start
note: cause does not serve burritos the size of your head.
Friday, January 13, 2012
1/16/12 - J&N Monday Night "SIMPSONS" TRIVIA!

Ladies and germs, this upcoming Monday (1/16/12), our weekly Monday Night Trivia will feature our next themed night: all about The Simpsons!
All questions, plus our image and sound round, will be related to everyone's favorite animated family.
DJ Knol will be playing the music - Joe will be sending him choice cuts from the classic "Simpsons Sing the Blues" album that apparently he was the only one that ever owned. Silly.
IMAGE ROUND: People who played themselves on the show.
SOUND ROUND: Bands/Artists that have appeared/performed on the show.
8PM, free as always - be sure to get their early to ensure seating. We will also try to enforce team limits (no 10-person teams!), and we will be watchful for cheaters, so keep those iPhones in your pockets.
(DISCLAIMER: Neither FOX, nor the creators of the show, have anything to do with this. Just 2 guys offering a free night of trivia. So there. Consider it disclaimed!)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
1/11/12 update
Monday, January 9, 2012
1/9/12 Cause Hints + Other News

Image Round - "Return of Wuzzles!"
Sound Round - "Midwestern Bands"
DJ Martine hangs out with us. She's awesome. So you should come hang out with us too. Free as shit!
Tonight we'll reveal our next themed trivia, which is NEXT WEEK! Its a great theme! Come on out and have a beer with us!

Our Wednesday night trivia at the Sports Page has changed up a bit - for the past few months, Noah has been holding down the fort, while our buddy Mike has been filling in for Joe. Now its official - Wednesday Night Trvia at the Sports Page now belongs to "Nerdy Fellas Trivia" - the new trivia group in the Twin Cities operated by Mike and Noah!
The format of trivia will be the same as it always is. Just doesn't make sense to call it "Joe & Noah's Wed Night Trivia" when Joe no longer hosts there. He'll still turn up on occasion, and guest host when needed. But for all your Wednesday Night Trivia action, please check out - their blog is updated with tons of stuff, and its a great way to stay connected to an awesome night of trivia action. Good luck to those Nerdy Fellas!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
1/4/12 sports page
Eventually we will be switching blog websites for the sports page as Joey poo is not doing the Page Trivia full time anymore. He is missed dearly. Keep your eyes open for a new blog and such.
Sports page tonight....
Sound round is new years resolution songs
Image round is celeb birth places.
7pm. Be there
Sports page tonight....
Sound round is new years resolution songs
Image round is celeb birth places.
7pm. Be there
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