Apologies for the blurriness of the photo, but we were so excited to annoint "ERNEST FILMS A KITTY PORN" as our new trivia champions that we couldn't get the damn camera to work right. To the Ernest team - come to a trivia in the near future, we'll retake that photo.
But anyways, another trivia, another winner! Special thanks to DJ TIM for being the rock god that he is and playing a great music selection yet again (anytime you get "The Rainbow Connection" playing right next to "Africa" by Toto, you know it's a good night). Next week, DJ Martine!
On a side note, expect a brand new J&N Trivia logo and a slightly re-designed answer sheet to debut NEXT WEEK! I'm making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be, but if you knew the work that went into it, you would be jumping up and down right beside me. Not that I'm jumping up and down right now.
..... ok, you got me. I'm jumping up and down.
Til next week!
- J